Dear readers:
I have engaged the services of a very good web designer (MeiLin Miranda... maybe you've heard of her in another capacity?) and we'll be doing an upgrade on all three sites (, PA & ak) to make them nicer-looking, more reader-friendly and altogether more sleek, pneumatic and tumescent.
Planned changes:
- switch from Blogger to Drupal
- combine all three on one site
- easier navigation i.e. better ToC, easier "next" "previous" "first" and "latest" links
- cleaner text & background
- re-divisions of the chapters into retitled books (for eventual POD publishing)
- wraparound graphic
- subscriber-only content
We're kicking around many other ideas, also.
So now is your chance to say what features you'd like to see. What changes would make the reading experience easier/cooler/more engaging/more the way you want? Let me know. No idea is too weird and wonderful -- though that's not a guarantee, as some ideas are not possible or economically feasible. I look forward to your input.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
[Author's note: website upgrade! What do you want?]
Posted by
Karen Wehrstein
6:28 PM