Getting back to my tradition of linking to reviews, here's the first one that I've seen for asa kraiya, posted on Web Fiction Guide by capriox on Dec. 10. The one thing that jumped out at me most was how nicely capriox encapsulated the findings of the Chevengani Mental State Assessment Committee, but cleverly avoiding spoilers.
The review led to a spike in the readership, I believe on the day that it showed up on the WFG home page. So, yes, reviews make a difference. As a rule I do not bribe for them, or even for votes on topwebfiction, but I'm willing to shamelessly entreat, and also to state my preference that you either review PA or, if reviewing ak, do the same as capriox and direct people to PA. ak makes vastly more sense both in terms of plot revelations and emotional impact if you've read PA first -- and in fact it doesn't even make as much sense now as it will when PA is finished and you can read the whole thing.
I'm actually thinking, when PA is done, of combining the two into one big work with ak as the framework and PA as a series of flashbacks within it. I will poll you all on what you think of that idea at some point.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
[Author's note: capriox's review of ak on WFG]
Posted by
Karen Wehrstein
6:43 AM