In case you didn't read the post over at PA, Web Fiction Guide has started a popular vote service for online writing entitled "Top Web Fiction." You don't have to register or anything to vote -- just fill in a prove-you're-not-a-bot blank, and vote. The vote is renewed for seven days each time you vote, so I'll start doing an every-Tuesday reminder on both sites.
Though asa kraiya is listed at WFG, it doesn't show up on this listing because I am encouraging people to vote for PA instead, as that's the beginning of the story and the whole idea is to advertise my work to readers who've never heard of me. If people who've read the dead-tree books find PA, they'll find ak. Besides, I want them to read PA anyway.
So, please, exercise your democratic rights like good Yeolis////// netizens. Vote for PA... vote for Eclipse Court... vote for other weblit you like and think deserves greater exposure (you can vote for more than one site.) For me, it's all about finding those readers who will get something out of my writing.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
[Author's note: what's this voting thing?]
Posted by
Karen Wehrstein
12:36 PM